RW- 1604th
International Conference on Internet Technologies and Society (ICITS) is a prestigious event organized with a motivation to provide an excellent international platform for the academicians, researchers, engineers, industrial participants and budding students around the world to SHARE their research findings with the global experts. 1604th
ICITS 2024 will be held in Stockholm, Sweden
during 5th - 6th January, 2024.
The key intention of 1604th
ICITS 2024 is to provide opportunity for the global participants to share their ideas and experience in person with their peers expected to join from different parts on the world. In addition this gathering will help the delegates to establish research or business relations as well as to find international linkage for future collaborations in their career path. We hope that 1604th
ICITS 2024 outcome will lead to significant contributions to the knowledge base in these up-to-date scientific fields in scope.
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- 1662nd International Conference on Civil and Environmental Engineering
- 1662nd International Conference on Arts, Education and Social Science
- 1662nd International Conference on Applied Physics and Mathematics
- 1662nd International Conference on Chemical and Biochemical Engineering
- 1662nd International Conference on Communication and Signal Processing
- 1662nd International Conference on Economics and Finance Research
- 1604th International Conference on Internet Technologies and Society
- 1662nd International Conference on Medical and Biosciences
- 1662nd International Conference on Power Control and Embedded System
- 1662nd International Conference on Science, Technology, Engineering and Management